At Stephenson Studio School we welcome students with special educational needs. We expect all students to access mainstream lessons and activities, with support, where necessary.

Stephenson Studio School caters for a wide range of Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and medical needs. These include ASD, dyslexia, ADHD, physical difficulties such as hypermobility, diabetes and emotional difficulties. We work closely with parents and professionals and we will always seek to teach every child in a way that enabled them to achieve their best.

Progress and achievement of every learner is rigorously tracked and the data is used to identify both underachievement and lack of progress. We will actively gather information from:

  • KS2 teacher assessments including SATs results
  • Primary Annual Reviews and transition meetings
  • EHC Plan documentation
  • Information from outside agencies including ADHD Solutions, Behaviour Support Service, Educational Psychology Service and the Autism Outreach Team
  • Baseline Assessments in English, maths and science, including standardised literacy testing

Where we have concerns about progress we will seek advice from other agencies as appropriate and when your child is transferring from a different setting a process is put in place to ensure successful transition.

Within the school the progress of every learner is carefully tracked and any concerns due to these assessments, or professional observations, will be raised with the parent by the Tutor, Personal Coach or SENDCO. Similarly, a parent with concerns about their child should initially speak to the SENDCO who will stay in contact with the parent whilst looking into those concerns.

You can contact Leicestershire County council on or 0116 305 6545 for additional information.